Pokemon: Terabithia

by Novalune

  • Novalune

    Chapter 01 - A Promising Dream Come True by Novalune

    Pokemon Terabithia begins with an introduction to the main protagonist of the story, Leslie Clarinoka. Leslie is a thoughtful, and courteous young lady who lives in Corrinelia Town with her father. Leslie and her Father live on the southwestern side of the Synchroma Region. Synchroma is well-known for being grandiose in size, and for being an inclusive region to all walks of life. The region is known for having a lot of beauteous ecosystems for Pokemon, and fascinating sceneries for Pokemon Trainers to explore. Additionally, Synchroma contains a wide diversity of Pokemon that originate from different regions around the world. Leslie wakes up early one morning to realize that she did not get enough sleep the night before. She later goes to have a conversation with her Dad in the kitchen. After Leslie is finished with her breakfast, Leslie’s Father shares with her an important piece of information. He reveals a promise that he had made to Leslie when she was a little girl. Leslie is told by her father that she would be allowed to go on an adventure as a novice Pokemon Trainer that day. This comes as a genuine surprise to Leslie, as she was never allowed by her Father to become an official Pokemon Trainer when she was a young child. Upon hearing the good news, Leslie thanks her Father gratefully with an optimistic tone in her voice. After being instructed by her Dad to travel over to a neighbouring town for an appointment with Professor Glacebeau, Leslie is stopped from leaving Corrinelia by a young man named Wendell Gallonmont. Wendell has been an intimate friend of Leslie’s since the two of them were unfledged infants. Wendell decides to join Leslie on her walk to Mirrosauga Town for her appointment. Leslie and Wendell begin their walk by going through Route 400 together. After getting through Route 400, Leslie and Wendell eventually make it to Mirrosauga in one peace. Upon finding Professor Glacebeau’s laboratory, Wendell and Leslie begin to make their way inside to meet with the professor.

    Sep 2, 2020 3,617 words
  • Novalune

    Chapter 02 - A Step In An Optimistic Direction by Novalune

    Our hopeful protagonists, Leslie and Wendell, enter Professor Glacebeau’s laboratory in Mirrosauga Town. Professor Glacebeau, a long-time friend of Leslie’s and Wendell’s, welcomes them with open arms. Leslie and Wendell choose their Starter Pokemon. Afterwards, Leslie and Wendell decide to go to the Bellemeau Cafe to celebrate their individual milestones of becoming novice Pokemon Trainers. During their visit to the Bellemeau Cafe, Leslie and Wendell are reintroduced to an early childhood friend that they used to go to school with at the Corrinelia Academy. In addition, Leslie and Wendell are confronted by a mysterious individual that they have never met before. The mysterious individual congratulates them on becoming new Pokemon Trainers. This was only for a moment before having to leave the Bellemeau Cafe by saying that they are taking care of someone in their family who is feeling ill at home. Subsequently, Leslie and Wendell leave the Bellemeau Cafe to go back home to Corrinelia Town. During their complacent walk through Route 400, Leslie captures her first wild Pokemon in Synchroma. Eventually, Leslie and Wendell make it all the way back home to Corrinelia Town, and they momentarily decide to visit Leslie’s Father first. What Starter Pokemon did Leslie and Wendell choose to bring along with them on their adventure? Who is this “early childhood friend” that Leslie and Wendell reconnected with at the Bellemeau Cafe? What was the wild Pokemon that Leslie had captured successfully on Route 400? Please stay tuned for more Pokemon Terabithia. Thank you all so much for reading. May you all have an enjoyable reading experience, and a splendid day!

    Sep 20, 2020 4,506 words