Hajime Travels

by Ry_Burst

If I was a trainer, I would like Riley. This is my story. If you feel like this character is too Mary Sue like, let me know. I want to change it, but make it similar to how I would be if I was a trainer. Now, enter the door, as Riley Mason and his Partner head off through the Hajime Region with the goal of being the champion. New rivals, battles, and stories all unfold in this origin story.
  • Ry_Burst

    Hajime Travels: Chapter 1: The Boy and Growlithe by Ry_Burst

    This is the beginning of a new series, that's kinda about me as a trainer. This is also a story that I classified as one of the Inked Hearts. This a writers guild Ive been planning. I'll set up a link in the comments if you want to join.

    Sep 11, 2017 1,994 words 2 Likes
  • Ry_Burst

    Chapter 2: The Rouge Pokemon by Ry_Burst

    Chapter two is out and boy is it big. I didn't plan for it to go on and on, but it did and I liked it.

    Sep 19, 2017 3,678 words