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Pokémon OCs: Natu OC

by Riverrunner

Riverrunner Please excuse the blurry Natu in the centre, resizing does that and I have homework that I should be doing instead of doodling bean birds.

Anyway, this is Xavi (no idea where that name came from) and he's a hopelessly optimistic little bean with awful foretelling abilities and enough energy to hop a mile in a few minutes and still have the stamina to do it again. He will give you 20,000 nicknames a second but also probably gets super defensive if you don't like them because his ego is much bigger than he is.

Also I forgot that Natu don't have the little cheek circles I draw on most birds so I guess it's a family trait or something? Creative freedom I guess. Hopefully they're not considered too outlandish.
qlovers, BooBerry, Domin6 and 9 others like this.
  1. qlovers
    F I N G E R G U N S
    Sep 7, 2017
  2. Alex The Hydreigon
    Alex The Hydreigon
    @Pixilate The holy floofy cracker birb is the best bird
    Sep 2, 2017
  3. qlovers
    Sep 2, 2017
    D.j The Hydreigon likes this.
  4. Alex The Hydreigon
    Alex The Hydreigon
    Aug 31, 2017
    Pixilate likes this.
  5. qlovers
    cracker birb is da best birb ^^
    Aug 30, 2017
    D.j The Hydreigon likes this.