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Pokémon: A and B: Chapter 1: Entering the Hawia Region!

by Sylvious

Sylvious In this opening chapter, Alex goes to Professor Oak's lab to get his starter Pokémon, and his Pokédex - too! He rides an airplane, and goes to the Hawia region! What will happen next? We'll find out in the next chapter!
Chapter 1: Entering the Hawia Region!

Alex jumps out of his bed and stares at the clock. 2:59, it reads. "Wait - Professor Oak is waiting for me!" He runs down the hallway, grabs his black and shiny skateboard, and drifts outside without even saying a simple goodbye to his mother.

Alex has been challenged with the task to become the very best - a Pokémon Master! Alex is different from the other Pokémon Masters, though. He's intelligent and caring. Despite this, many kids in his school made fun of him. But - Alex still holds his grin and happy personality. Using his knowledge and caring personality, he can obtain and hold his title as a Pokémon Master!

Alex slams his skateboard down and starts riding it down the street. The street is lifeless, as very few people are outside this early.

Eventually, he can see Professor Oak's lab. Many street lamps are around the lab. It is very bright compared to the dim streets. Alex steps off, grabs his skateboard, and enters the lab.

"Oh - you're here, Alex. I've been waiting for you!" Professor Oak quickly turns around, facing Alex. "Hey Professor Oak!" Alex replies, with his huge smile. "So, what Pokémon do you have? I really want to meet my future partner!" He blurts out.

"Hm.... These Pokémon have been recently caught, and aren't as trained unlike the others. Well, with you're caring personality, I'm sure you can easily befriend them!" Professor Oak smiles. "Well, here are the Pokéballs." He points to three Pokéballs sitting on a counter.

"What Pokémon are inside those Pokéballs?" Alex asks. "Here," Professor Oak replies, handing out a red machine to Alex. "This is called the Pokédex. This machine allows the user to read all the information about the known Pokémon." Alex turns the Pokédex on, and selects the "Pokémon" option. "There," Professor Oak stops him.

"Those three Pokémon are the partners you'll have on this journey." "Cool!" Alex replies. The text reads:

Bulbasaur, the Grass type Pokémon. 2'4", 15.2 lbs.

Charmander, the Fire type Pokémon. 2'0", 18.7 lbs.

Squirtle, the Water type Pokémon. 1'8", 19.8 lbs.

"Now, choose one." Professor Oak replies. The lab is silent for a few moments.

".... I pick........"

"Charmander!" Alex says. "Great choice!" Professor Oak grabs the Pokéball in the middle of the counter, and gives it to him. "Yay!" Alex pushes the white button on the Pokéball, and Charmander appears. "Charmander..." It growls while crossing his arms.

"Now - Alex," Professor Oak says. "Remember - you are here to become a Hawia region Pokémon Master. To do that, you must obtain all 8 gym badges, and challenge and defeat the Hawia region Elite Four." He says. "Okay!" Alex replies. "Now - I have a friend that flies an airplane. Because of how far the region is from our region, Kanto, you must ride in the airplane." Professor Oak says.

"Here, I put it on your map on your Pokédex." Alex turns on the Pokédex and selects the "Map" option. "Once you go there, my friend will fly you to the Hawia region." Professor Oak says. "Okay, bye!" Alex runs out of the door with Charmander following the map Professor Oak put on his Pokédex.

He finally reaches the airplane. It was very noisy, and the pilot and Alex couldn't hear very well.

"Hey, get in!" The pilot says. "Okay!" Alex replies. "Buckle up, we're going to the Hawia region!" He buckles his seat belt with Charmander aside him. "Charmander!" It repeats. The airplane starts and flies in the air, towards the Hawia region.

To Be Continued

Mockingchu, Rovenz and WindRyder like this.
  1. Sylvious
    It sounds better. What? You don't like it? :\=|:
    Mar 31, 2016
  2. Rovenz
    What's with those big gaps?:\=|:<.>
    Mar 31, 2016