
by kyuukestu

kyuukestu An attempt at Sagisō Ajisai, based on a much better artist's renditioning of her. Namely @Shen: Ghost Gym Leader

There ya go, @ScorchPlayz

That's about the limit of my artistic skill.
  1. SailorInSpace
    Cool sketch!
    Feb 15, 2019
    PrincessPika~chan and kyuukestu like this.
  2. kyuukestu
    I'd actually ask you draw Furījia with her current clothing. Can quote you the post where I described it. It's a bit complex.
    Jan 6, 2019
    PrincessPika~chan likes this.
  3. Shen: King of Digimon
    Shen: King of Digimon
    Ah I see, interesting frame of Sagiso you got~

    Your well on your way to becoming a great artist :)

    If you like, I could draw a Sagiso again?
    Jan 6, 2019
    PrincessPika~chan likes this.
  4. DarkHydraT
    @UniverSoul You should, you can drop the arms. At the moment I am trying to draw Taji, seems Shen and Kyuu created a chan reaction
    Dec 30, 2018
  5. sSoul
    Kyuu does artz.

    Perhaps I should do a rendition of Taiyo...
    Dec 30, 2018
  6. Killerbunny the god
    Killerbunny the god
    Well... you know... this is way better than anything i can draw xD
    Dec 25, 2018
  7. kyuukestu
    I don't even know how this managed to get 8 likes when I'm a terrible artist xD
    Dec 22, 2018
  8. Jodie.xox
    Pfffff, I saw this on the Popular Creative Corner Works, that was funny :D
    Dec 22, 2018
  9. E.K.A.N.S.
    kyuu drew something!!! :love:
    Dec 21, 2018
  10. Jodie.xox
    This is the best art. Such detail. How did you draw this when you’re in the dark all the time, huh?!
    Dec 19, 2018
  11. DarkHydraT
    No matter her appearance, she still frightens like half of the cast.
    Dec 19, 2018
  12. Retro Master
    Retro Master
    The wink along with the devilish smile... that impression is enough to strike fear into the heart of any opponent who dares to stand before her!

    But if that description is going overboard then you could keep the first meaning lel
    Dec 19, 2018
  13. kyuukestu
    what do you mean scary, I didn't draw her that badly
    Dec 19, 2018
  14. Retro Master
    Retro Master
    Dec 19, 2018