Vaultie's Poke-Sue/Stu Test

by vaultie

vaultie Judging by the title, you probably already can tell what this is.
Let me just start off by saying everything written here belongs to me. Although there are probably questions very similar to other Mary Sue/Gary Stu Quizzes, I'm simply following a basis and not intentionally stealing any questions from a specific quiz.

With that being said, I've been roleplaying for about 9 or 10 years, just about. Most everything here is based on personal experience from characters I've RPed with, and things I've seen happen around various RP formats. I will try to be unbiased as possible, and I've taken into account many character traits people could apply to their OCs. Please don't feel offended by this quiz, as this is simply to evaluate yourself and your characters, and adjust things based on constructive criticism. I've included point scores with each trait, so feel free to tally up your points as you take this. Keep in mind this is supposed to be geared towards RP characters, rather than OCs for fanfics.



  • If your character has your name/a nickname you have (+1)
  • If your character shares a username/online handle of yours (+1)
  • If your character has a noun for a name (Ex: Ace, Raven, Melody) (+1)
  • If your character has a name that doesn't fit their race/ethnicity (Ex: A White character named "Sakura", or a Human character with an Elvish name.) (+2)
  • If your character has a title that is included with their name (Ex: Sir Aaron, Raphael, Ruler of Darkness) (+2)
  • If your character shares a first name with a canon character (+2)
  • If your character intentionally shares a first name with a canon character not from Pokemon (+2)
  • If that first name is something common (Ex: Steven, Max) (-2)
  • If your character shares a last name with a canon character (+5)
  • If your character intentionally shares a last name with a canon character not from Pokemon (+5)
  • If your character (human) is the name of a Pokemon (+2)
  • If your character is nonhuman. (+10)
  • If your character is a Pokemon hybrid and has something such as ears/a tail. (Add +5 to the +10 you already have.)
  • If your character looks like you. (+1)
  • If your character looks like you, but cooler/prettier. (+2)
  • If you describe your character as beautiful/cute, and go into detail on how charming they are. (+5)
  • If you describe your character as strong/muscular, and go into detail on how in shape they are. (+5)
  • If your character has a reason for this, such as a morning makeup routine or physical training that they regularly do. (-1)
  • If your character has a figure not appropriate for their age. (Ex: A 13 year old with DDs or a 6 pack) (+5)
  • If your character has unnaturally colored eyes. (+2)
  • If your character has heterochromia (Two different colored eyes) (+2)
  • If the unnatural color comes from contacts. (-1)
  • If your character has unnaturally colored hair. (+2)
  • If the unnatural color comes from dye (-1)
  • If your character's hair and/or eyes change color through means such as mood changes. (+5, +10 for both)
  • If your character has skin unnatural to their species. (Ex: A human with blue skin.) (+10)
  • If your character has a tattoo/birthmark. (+1)
  • If the tattoo was gained through regular means and has no significance. (-1)
  • If your character was born with that birthmark and it is otherwise a regular mark with no significance. (-1)
  • If your character got that tattoo despite being too young to get one by normal means. (+5)
  • If your character was born with that tattoo/birthmark, and the image holds some form of significance or magical powers. (+5)
  • If your character has a scar. (+1)
  • If that scar was gained through a regular accident that your character has since gotten over. (-1)
  • If that scar was gained through a traumatic accident in your characters life that they continue to remorse over. (+1)
  • If that scar was gained through an attack from a Pokemon. (+2)
  • If your character is human and has lost a part of their body, only to replace it with a robotic limb. (+1)
  • If your character wears outfits inappropriate for the setting. (Ex: Heels while hiking, a heavy trenchcoat in the middle of Alola.) (+2)
  • If those outfits end up being detrimental to your character. (-1)
Personality Traits
  • If you describe your character as a social outcast that refuses to be nice to anyone. (+1)
  • If you describe your character as extremely friendly and easy to get along with by everyone. (+1)
  • If the Positives you list about your character outweigh the Negatives. (+2)
  • If your character has some talent they are extremely skilled in, being one of the best in their field. (Ex: Contests, Battling, Art, Music) (+5)
  • If your character is a "natural" at this talent, and barely needed to practice to get where they are. (+5)
  • If your character has been practicing for years to get to their level, and the acknowledgement is deserved. (-2)
  • If your character is a child/teenager that somehow pulls of miraculous stunts and achievements despite their age. (+5)
  • If your character is a genius and somehow has knowledge of almost everything that has happened in the Pokemon Universe. (+5)
  • If your character has a mental illness. (+2)
  • If your character has a mental illness that is purely there to give them an excuse to be rude to other characters/lash out at others, or because you thought giving your character a mental illness would be "cool". (+2)
  • If your character has a mental illness that is treated realistically and not played for an edge/drama factor. (-5)
  • If your character allows their Pokemon to attack others. (Life or Death/Self Defense situations do not count.) (+5)
  • If your character is fluent in more than one language. (+1)
  • If your character has some kind of supernatural power that they were either born with or gained during their lifetime. (+5)
  • If your character's supernatural ability are psychic powers. (+2)
  • If your character is psychic and can understand Pokemon (Ex: Hearing a Pokemon speak in perfect English, rather than having a good idea of what they're trying to say based on a strong bond between trainer and Pokemon.) (+2)
  • If your character can understand Pokemon without use of telepathy or psychics. (+5)
  • Add +1 for each region features in the main core games that your character has been to.
  • If your character has been to every main core region despite only being a teenager/child. (+1)
  • If your character caught a Pokemon before age 10. (+1)
  • If your character became a trainer before age 10 (+2)
  • If your character's backstory involves the death of a close family member or friend. (+5)
  • If your character's backstory involves them murdering a close family member or friend. (+10)
  • If your character's backstory involves an interaction with a Legendary/Mythical Pokemon. (+5 for each Pokemon)
  • If your character was orphaned at a young age. (+1)
  • If your character was somehow raised by Pokemon. (+5)
  • If your character was raised by a special group or secret society. (+5)
  • If your character was apart of an evil Team at any point. (+2)
  • If your character comes from a poor upbringing and eventually ends up becoming wealthy. (+1)
  • If your character was born into a wealthy family. (+1)
  • If your character was born into Royalty. (+2)
  • If your character has ever held the title of Champion for any region. (+5 for each Region)
  • If your character has ever collected a set of all 8 League Badges. (+1 for each Region)
  • If your character has collected 18 or more Z- Crystals. (+5)
  • If your character has ever held the title of Kalos Queen or placed first in a Grand Festival. (+5)
  • If your character was ever involved with stopping an evil Team. (+5 For each Team)
  • If your character is highly regarded and acknowledged by any of the Professors. (+5)
  • If your character has ever been mentored by a strong trainer. (Champion, E4, Gym Leader). (+2)
  • If your character did the mentoring. (+5)
  • If your character is related to a major Pokemon character. (Major being any of the Protags, Rivals, Champions, or Team Leaders.) (+5)
  • If your character is related to a minor Pokemon character. (+2)
  • If your character is the child of a major character. (+10)
  • If your character is the child of a minor character. (+5)
  • If your character is close friends with any major character. (+2 for each Character)
  • If your character is close friends with any minor character. (+1 for each Character)
  • If your character is in a relationship with any major character. (+10)
  • If your character is in a relationship with any minor character. (+5)
  • If the relationship contains a huge age gap. (Ex: Any adult character with a minor and vise-versa.) (+20 and please re-evaluate yourself thanks.)
  • If your character develops a crush on a canon character, but the feelings are not mutual. (-5)

All evolutionary stages count. Add points accordingly if your character owns any of the following:

  • 7-10 Pokemon. (Pokemon in Boxes or at Home/a Lab count.) (+1)
  • 11-20 Pokemon. (+1)
  • 30+ Pokemon. (+2)
  • Eevee or any of the Eeveelutions. (+1 for each)
  • Pikachu. (+1)
  • Riolu or Lucario. (+1 for each)
  • Any of the Ralts line. (+1 for each)
  • Any starters. (+2 for each)
  • Any pseudos. (+5 for each)
  • Any Legendary or Mythical (Phione counts). (+20 for each)
  • Any shiny. (+2 for each)
  • Any discolored Pokemon that is not their shiny palette. (+5 for each)
  • A Shadow Pokemon. (+5 for each)
  • Any Mega Pokemon. (+10 for each)
  • Any Ultra Beast. (+10 for each)
  • A Pokemon that wears an accessory. (Ex: Bows, a scarf. Held items do not count.) (+1 for each)
  • A Pokemon that can speak Human language without the use of telepathy. (+10 for each)
  • A Pokemon that can speak Human language and knows telepathy, but is not a psychic type or a Pokemon that has been shown in canon to be able to use telepathy. (+10 for each)
  • A Pokemon that has a move or ability they shouldn't be able to know. (+5 for each)
  • A Pokemon that is notably stronger than the rest of it's species. (+5 for each)
  • A young Pokemon that is somehow capable of taking down much stronger opponents. (+5 for each)


Definitely not a Mary Sue. You've got a great foundation for a character going, but don't be afraid to expand a little more if you want.

Great! You know the difference between a Sue and having a unique Original Character. Keep it up!

You're treading in to Sue territory here. Although you might have an interesting character, I suggest turning things down just a little bit.

Yeah, sorry to say, but this is a Sue. You might want scrap what you have and try again, keeping in mind how to correctly balance a character with flaws.
  1. vaultie
    yes, owning two Braixens would give you 4 points. It's only dependent on what stage they're currently at, though, if that's what youre asking. a single Delphox owned would give 2 points, not 6 for it's pre-evos. they have to be separate pokemon.
    May 7, 2018
  2. Merciless Medic
    Merciless Medic
    Wait, so owning 2 Braixens give you 4 points, right? A Fennekin and a Delphox still 4 points?
    May 7, 2018
  3. Merciless Medic
    Merciless Medic
    Now, Pyros:

    He got a 0 in names.

    6 points on Appearance: He has gotten scars from Pokemon, has a tattoo with no significance (so no points), has unnaturally colored hair and eyes, and has a reason for looking so buff. :3

    -1 on Personality: Has a realistic mental illness that I have studied, he gets along with most people pretty well, and can speak several languages, them being German, Latin, Spanish, and Aboriginal.

    30 on Backstory: Has been to all 7 regions, has done this as a teenager (due to the same reason as Shade), was basically gifted a Charmander when he was born as a Birth Pokemon (because culture), he has collected all 8 league badges in the 6 regions that have that and has gotten all 18 Z-Crystals from Alola, was a Champion in Hoenn for a day when he gave the title back to Steven Stone, and is highly regarded by a Professor or two because of his relations with his sister.

    -5 on Relationships: Had a crush on Flannery and Clair, but they didn't like him back, so he just kind of stopped.

    129 on Pokemon: 4 points for owning 30+ Pokemon, 1 point for owning a Flareon, 16 points for owning the fully evolved 7 Fire-Types of the starters and a Sceptile, 90 points for owning the lines of Dratini, Bagon, Gible, Deino, Goomy, and Jangmo-o, 2 points for one shiny, 10 points for Mega Charizard X (trying to get that approved), 1 point for a Charizard wearing a saddle, and 5 points for his Charizard being noticeably stronger than most other Charizards (mega evolved or not). Holy crap...

    The grand total comes to: 159 points..... Damn XD More Mary Sue than the character I had for 15 years (that being Shade) XD those pseudos screwed me over XD
    May 7, 2018
    PrincessPika likes this.
  4. vaultie
    Yup. Stuff like Dratini, Beldum, etc counts.
    May 7, 2018
    PrincessPika and Merciless Medic like this.
  5. Merciless Medic
    Merciless Medic
    Vaultie, when you said "All evolutionary stages count", does that also mean the pre-evolutions of pseudo-legendaries?
    May 7, 2018
    PrincessPika likes this.
  6. Merciless Medic
    Merciless Medic
    So I did the tamer Shadara.... And oh god...

    2 points on names because I still use her name on some handles (which I should change) and her nickname, Shade, is a noun, so I included that.

    6 points on appearance, mainly because she has unnatural colored hair and eyes, has scars from the Pokemon she has on her mother's ranch, and I would've gotten a point if she had a tattoo that had some significance, but it doesn't, so thank goodness. :p

    2 points on personality. Thank god I play her mental illnesses as realistically as possible. XD Took most of my points away, which were being friendly and nice to everyone, being the best in her field (although through a lot of hard work and research, so it is deserved), and she knows several languages, them being German, Latin, Russian, and French.

    25 points on backstory... This is where it killed me XD She has been to every main core region, despite being a teenager (mainly due to parents moving them to each region to get the feel for the culture and learn in the high schools there), she technically caught or was gifted a Pokemon before the age of 10 (her Birth Pokemon, Pichu, as a sort of cultural phenomenon), she has collected all 8 league badges in all the regions that give them out, has collected all the Z-Crystals in Alola, and has been highly regarded by a Professor (that one being Rowan and Oak, but only after she started to research Pokemon Genetics and Behaviors).

    -5 points on relationships, since she has been wanting to date some canon characters, but they don't feel the same way.

    Now Pokemon... This is going to kill me XD She owns 30+ Pokemon, so 4 points there. She owns an Espeon and an Umbreon, so 2 points. She owns a Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, and Gallade, so 4 points. She owns Delphox, a Greninja, a Decidueye, and an Incineroar, so 8 points. Tyranitar, the Beldum line, and the Deino line gives her 35 points. A Mega Gengar (which has been approved), so 10 points. One shiny, so 2 points. 5 points because Alolan Raichu being stronger than her species. This section came to a total of 50 points.... Ouch.

    This all comes to a grand total of 100..... Oof XD I probably should recount Pyros' points because there were some things I left out, and being related to Shade, will make him be highly regarded to professors and has beaten a Champion (so he'll technically be one, but he didn't want to be a champion).

    EDIT: I took off her having multiple of pseudo Pokemon, so yea XD there's that.
    May 7, 2018
    PrincessPika and vaultie like this.
  7. Captain Cardboard
    Captain Cardboard
    Well, my character that I was most concerned on being a Mary Sue got a 28. So... Should probably try spicing up my other character a little bit xD.
    Apr 8, 2018
    Pretty Pichu and Ninian like this.
  8. Mockingchu
    I legit got a 1. Wow, that's nice to know. I might start to make my characters have more things that make them interesting, but at the same time- I enjoy these simpletons.

    Thanks, vaultie, for making this. I always love taking these types of tests.
    Apr 7, 2018
    Ninian likes this.
  9. Merciless Medic
    Merciless Medic
    Alrighty, so Pyros (the tame one found on the RPs here) is a 76. If my OP Pyros was ever allowed on here (which he won't... Since it also includes Pokemon from Pokefarm Q, which, last time I checked, isn't allowed, and also includes all Legendaries, all Megas, all Shinies for every Pokemon, including all albino and melanistic (dark-colored) Pokemon from Pokefarm Q), he'll have 20,601.... Funny how multipliers work. The Pokemon section alone will be 20,525... I should stop XD
    Apr 4, 2018
  10. vaultie
    @Wandering Soul

    i think youre kind of missing some key things to think about here. while all those things can make a good character, the problem is when it becomes TOO MUCH. those things have point values with them to give sustenence, as you can see by my scoring. 31-80 is the best range you can be at, meaning you would have to HAVE certain special traits in order to stick out and be unique.

    it becomes a problem when a character owns too many of these traits, and it will show from a higher score. a character with heterochromia is fine. a character with a relationship with a canon character is fine. but a character with heterochromia, AND natural blue hair, AND psychic powers, AND a legendary, who is ALSO the daughter of Red- thats pushing it. i appreciate the constructive criticism, but please realize where im trying to go with this quiz.
    Apr 4, 2018
  11. Shiny Blue Gardevoir
    Shiny Blue Gardevoir
    I have to say, I disagree heavily with some of this. Giving a character heterochromia doesn't make them a mary sue, heterochromia is a legitimate condition, and it's fine, as long as the character has it for a real medical reason, and not just because it looks cool. There's also nothing wrong with giving a character a tragic backstory, as long as it's believable, and isn't played just for attention or sympathy. There's also nothing wrong with having popular, or shiny pokemon, as long as the character has them for a reason (A character who obsessively hunts shinies would naturally have a lot of shinies, for example.)
    Apr 4, 2018
    PrincessPika and Mockingchu like this.
  12. Hydreigonborn
    I tested Danny and he consistently was in the negative numbers until I got to relationships and Pokémon.

    He scored a 26 though. So, solid!
    Apr 3, 2018
    Mockingchu likes this.
  13. Le Marsouin
    Le Marsouin
    So... after testing Tyler when he was a human, he got a 16 surprisingly enough. (Though I would not exactly say so much for when he is a Pokémon considering that he still retains some of his skills as a trainer/doctor.)
    Apr 3, 2018
    Ninian likes this.
  14. Merciless Medic
    Merciless Medic
    Alrighty, soo... I'll be doing Pyros... And I'm doing the OP kind of Pyros... and then the tamer Pyros xD I gotta ask though... He has 30+ Pokemon, but he's 30 years old... You'd think he'd have a collection of them by now...
    Apr 3, 2018
    Ninian likes this.
  15. Le Marsouin
    Le Marsouin
    Hmm... So lil’ Tyler got 52 on the test. (I still had to add 5 to the 10 I already got since he’s a Pokémon after what happened in his past.)
    Apr 3, 2018
    Ninian and Pretty Pichu like this.
  16. Ninian
    Seven got 40! Also hahah Seven is an adjective not a noun! :U
    Apr 3, 2018
    Pretty Pichu and vaultie like this.
  17. Princess Lilia (Lilly)
    Princess Lilia (Lilly)
    I used this test on two of my popular OCS Mimi and Bethany (A Lopunny and Buneary)
    Mimi got 15 points and Bethany got 24, It makes sends Bethany got more since she has magical powers and is basically dead but came back alive.
    Apr 2, 2018
    Pretty Pichu and Ninian like this.