So About Outcasts

by Cloudswift

Cloudswift I was recently contacted by @Jagson about something regarding Outcasts. My original plan was to do something like this when my thread hit one year, but I got impatient. XD I'll be doing a little discussion thing and a Q&A(the questions are made up by me, though) in this. Happy reading! :D
Okay, SO. Outcasts. Where do I even begin on this one? It started as just something back when I RPed more commonly. I liked the group experience of writing with a bunch of people, I guess. So when I thought, "Hey, you know what'd be a cool roleplay? A wilderness themed superpower type thing," I put it up in the General Role Play Discussion forum and waited. At the time, I was basically a noob at roleplaying, so I didn't expect to get many people signing up. When I got offline(I think it was between midnight and 2AM), my hopes were that one of my friends would see it and decide to join. Boy, was I in for a treat! Within 48 hours, I had three people signing up. The official RP thread went up four days after my first post. I don't know how many people joined, but the RP is still in the number one spot for most replies, over 25 weeks after it died, with 8,103 posts. To put that in words, that's EIGHT THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED AND THREE posts. You could say that I'm surprised by this. I wasn't expecting it to last nearly as long as it did at all. Plus, there's been numerous attempts to revive the thread. It's incredibly humbling to think that people care enough about something that I thought up to bring it back. I'd like to thank each and every one of you people that helped bring Outcasts this far, including those of you that joined the community when the other threads went up.


Q: Did you make any friends while doing Outcasts?
A: Yes, I definitely did! I met a lot of great people while RPing Outcasts, the most notable of whom is probably @The Protato. If anyone sees this and wants to get back in touch, don't be shy~! @__Black_Cat__ AHH I NEED TO TALK TO YOU XDDD

Q: Have you made any characters other than Ashley?
A: Yes, I have. I can't find him, but I made a little kid that could turn into animals. He was a bean~

Q: Have you participated in any of the remake RPs?
A: Once or twice, yes.

Q: What's the canon main plot/concept of Outcasts?
A: Canonically speaking, there are two types of people in the world of Outcasts: Normals, or people without powers, and, well, Outcasts, the people with powers. Most governments disprove of Outcasts and have unanimously voted to relocate them to isolated areas of the world. They don't use them for military-related reasons because they fear rebellion. And when you've got a pyrokinetic that's angry at you, you know that you're in trouble. Having powers is a highly recessive gene that can and will often skip many generations unless two know what I mean...Yeah. Powers sometimes don't show themselves for years, so that's why many people that are sent out are teenagers or adults.

Q: Is Outcast the technical term for someone with powers?
A: No. It's often used by the Outcasts to describe themselves, since they're outcasts from society. The technical term is Kinetic, though Outcasts don't have to have a power that falls under the term "kinesis".

Q: What was your favorite ship from the Outcasts series?
A: I'd have to say Ashley and Dasken, Protato's OC. We spent quite a while discussing that, actually, and I think I speak for both of us when I say that I had a great time collaborating on it.

Q: Were there any "problem RPers?"
A: Honestly, at least as far as I was involved -- I had to drop out eventually due to schoolwork -- there weren't really any issues. There was one time that someone posted on the RP about being excited for Pokemon Sun and Moon's release(remember that? XD), though. Little bit confusing, since this wasn't even in the PRP forum, but that's in the past.

Q: What was your favorite part?
A: When Ashley and Dasken lost control of their powers. It was another one of those moments where it was fun to write and to discuss. Plus, there was a FIRE-NADO. ;D

Q: Did you ever consider writing or drawing something based on Outcasts?
A: I considered making a comic once, I guess. @Jagson is making a novel-type version of it, though. Check it out if you want!

Q: Now for the question that's been on everyone's mind: are you going to make an actual reboot of the series?
A: On Outcasts's first birthday, I'm going to do a reboot thread. I'm not doing it at any time before, though. I've got a couple of arcs and other plot ideas in mind regarding Ashley already...

Find the official threads below:


  1. __Black_Cat__
    Oh my!
    Ugh you don't even understand how much I miss my Darcel, and all the other characters! I wish I treated him better during the Rp, since I was a little bit of a noob then. I would be pretty down to join the rp, but you know I got alot of school work too. But---- Thank you so much for tagging me! I really do miss our little chats! ♥
    Nov 11, 2017
  2. Fishykarp
    I'll totally join this, just hope I can keep up this time
    Nov 10, 2017
  3. BonslyJuice
    Link me up for the reboot. Dasken has been slumering for far too long.
    ...looks like I’ll have to stay longer than I thought
    Nov 10, 2017
  4. Jagson
    You can count on me being involved in it one way or another Ms. Cloud.
    Nov 9, 2017