Thanks for 2,000 Likes (+ my 'Charms Story)

by 33v33_lover

Hiya there, thanks for 2000 likes and right now you are viewing my ‘Charms story from when I started on this website to now.

On the 1st of April 2016, I became a new member of Pokecharms. I found this website when I was looking online for Pokemon. I saw a trainer card maker and decided to try it out (It was on the Pokecharms website). I then made a trainer card and saw that I needed to create an account to save it, so I did. (My first trainer card- )

I named myself 33v33_lover because Eevee is my favourite pokemon. I used ‘3’s instead of ‘e’s because I thought that an e looked like a 3. I went to the creative corner and saw the ‘Create New Work’ button and realised that I could post works. My first piece of artwork was a digital piece which was called ‘I Believe I Can Fly’ ( )

More than a month after that I posted drawn artworks on pieces of paper using greylead. Then I kept alternating between digital and paper art. After July I only posted two things until late August. Then I kinda forgot about Pokecharms and didn't post until November. I lost interest in the website because I was so busy and I forgot.

But then, in late January, I came back

Later, on March the 28th 2017 I received 100 likes! I couldn't believe what I saw. Then a few days after that, I celebrated my 1 year anniversary at Pokecharms. I opened requests and discovered pixel art. Creating pixels was fun and I did pixel art for a little while.

Then soon, on May the 4th I received 500 likes!

After the achievement I drew a range of digital, non-digital and pixel art. On the 1st of June I created my first pixel animation ( ).

Then on the 27th of June I received a milestone, 1000 likes. I never would have thought I would have received it. I didn't know what to do for 1000 likes post so that is why I posted that one late.

Later, @TheAnnoyingHo-Oh reached me to 1,500 likes on the 8th of September :)

And then on the 9th of September, the lovely @Pretty Pichu gave me a massive like bomb and now I have over 2,000 likes. And I really appreciate @Pretty Pichu for going out of her time just to like my stuff.

I met awesome friends (At least I think they are my friends) on the way such as: @TheAnnoyingHo-Oh , @Zen and Winter , @Eevee is who I am (I miss you) and @Stelluna’s_sister (Miss you too).

People that stand out who have helped me achieve 2000 likes and who are awesome as well are: @TooBlue12 , @Il Fantasma , @Kragn , @Excalibur Queen , @GalaxySky , @UltimateChatotGamer , @D.j The Hydreigon , @Pixilate , @Mr Fishykarp , @Pretty Pichu , @Midnight Princess , @EonVulpix , @Karli , @AuraVolt97 and @Sir Blitz the Charizard . (Sorry If I didn't tag yous)
And also thanks for the 50+ followers I have:)

Well, I think thats about it. Thanks so much for 2000 likes and thanks for reading (if you did read it) :D

And I betcha everything I wrote didn't make any sense
  1. qlovers
    aaa thanks for tagging me! and also, your first pixel animation didn't look half bad! it was great ^^ btw congratulations
    Sep 9, 2017
    33v33_lover likes this.
  2. Shrine
    Congratulations! :D
    Sep 9, 2017
  3. TooBlue12
    Congrats on so many likes! :) You deserve them and have earned them from being such a sweet, friendly and kind person. I am also glad you posted your charm's story. It was always entertaining to read them and see the different and yet similar experiences different people have when they find their way to charms.
    Sep 9, 2017
  4. Merciless Medic
    Merciless Medic
    Nah, it made sense. :) And thank you for making this. ;) I had actually read and looked over everything you've said and done before I liked them, so yea. :) I'm gonna have to figure out what I'm gonna do for my milestones on likes. XD Now that I have over 500.
    Sep 9, 2017
  5. Zen the Fen
    Zen the Fen
    It's really no problem, and I'm glad to be your friend! ^^
    Sep 9, 2017