Finfley Wolf's Profiles - Request

by Atsuko-Chan

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Atsuko-Chan Here is @Finley Wolf
Thank you for waiting!!♥ Here is the 3 profiles images that you requested me!

Yeah after some time thinking, I might be able to keep some time at charm's for now, but doesn't be surprise if I disappear for a long time. That's why I'm accepting requests.

If you want to Request something:

1 - Be patient, it can take a lot of time and efforts depending on the request, so be prepared to wait for days or weeks.
2 - I can't change the draw's style. Sometimes your request will come has chibi or the anime style. In rare cases I can Change to Cartoon Style, but the cartoon is something I can draw freely it means that if you want me to draw in cartoon style it's fine. The style of the requests depends on what I'm going to draw. So if you want a "style preview" (I mean, if telling if it's going to be chibi, or anime style) it's also fine.
3 - Don't send too many requests at once, PLEASE. At least wait the time to finish the first request.
4 - If I get too busy to do your request, I'll probably warn in my status or answer you. So, please wait a bit, it means that the request will take more time than expected.

If you have any questions ask me, Thank you!!:blush::blush:
  1. Spyly
    Love it! If you're still doing requests would you be able to do my profile picture in this style?
    Sep 24, 2017
    Atsuko-Chan likes this.
  2. DopeLeafeon470
    I'll request...
    buuuuuuut since I'm awesome I'll wait until you have free time for me to request it! XD
    Sep 21, 2017
    Atsuko-Chan likes this.
  3. DopeLeafeon470
    That poor, poor Creeper...
    Sep 21, 2017
    Sep 20, 2017
    Atsuko-Chan likes this.
  5. ✰MJ✰
    so CUUUUTE!
    Sep 19, 2017
    Atsuko-Chan likes this.
  6. Atsuko-Chan
    @Special Kumo Sure!! But, I'm a bit busy right now. I'll probably return to finish requests at friday or saturday ^^
    Sep 14, 2017
    Special Kumo likes this.
  7. Samis
    They look awesome nice job! ;)
    Sep 14, 2017
    Atsuko-Chan likes this.
  8. BLOO Muffin
    BLOO Muffin
    Am I able to invite you to a conversation to send you a picture?
    Sep 11, 2017
    Atsuko-Chan and Pixilate like this.
  9. qlovers
    Ar you still doing Requests? If so, can you please draw Ari (The Girl on my Profile) with a Flower Crown?
    Sep 10, 2017
    Atsuko-Chan likes this.
  10. PedriOzzy arts
    PedriOzzy arts
    Sep 10, 2017
    Pixilate likes this.
  11. Finley Moon
    Finley Moon
    OMG!!! *screams in delight* I luv em! :) ;) also when I said Creeper pin I meant like the Mockingjay pin on her shirt..... buts it's ok thanks appreciate it very much Atsuko!
    Sep 9, 2017
  12. SS-I Never
    SS-I Never
    Um.... If you're not busy, could I please request for you to draw my avatar? I really like your style, it's so frickin' adorable!
    Sep 9, 2017
  13. ScribbleSplash
    Sep 9, 2017