Dice: Swirly Dice

by TooBlue12

TooBlue12 So do forgive me. It took a while for me to sit down and take pictures of ALL my dice. Especially since I was still waiting on a few to come in.
ALSO I have to upload it in several parts since I have DON'T HAVE TOO MANY AT ALL. Ahem. *coughs* Anyway. So yeah, breaking it up so you can still actually see the dice.

I call this bunch the swirly bunch.
The largest picture is one of my newer sets. Little hard to see when still but it's see-through with sparkles, black swirls and purple-ish sparkles. Perfect for a Fallen Aasimar character I am currently playing.

As you can see I have several blue sets in this one bunch. I have plenty more to come. I am not called TooBlue for nothing.

I also have those cute pink swirl set and the green one. I like them since they make me think of cherry blossoms and will be perfect when I get to play a druid.
  1. Shikowara
    Yeah oof.
    Aug 21, 2021
    TooBlue12 likes this.
  2. TooBlue12
    @Shikowara agreed! And believe it or not there are even PRETTIER sets out there that I have my eyes on and I really want. <.>

    ;_; Too bad they cost too much for my bank account rn. Need to still afford to eat.
    Aug 21, 2021
    Willow Tree and Shikowara like this.
  3. Shikowara
    Whaaa they're so pretty!~
    Aug 21, 2021
    Willow Tree and TooBlue12 like this.
  4. TooBlue12
    @kyuukestu Helps that I have a lot of dice bags to keep them all together somewhat. I still manage to lose one everynow and than.
    Aug 21, 2021
    kyuukestu and Willow Tree like this.
  5. kyuukestu
    This is the most dice I've ever seen in my life u_u

    I can barely keep track of the four I use to play board games with the family.
    Aug 21, 2021
    Willow Tree, TooBlue12 and ~Rinko~ like this.
  6. TooBlue12
    @BlueMew392 Those are actually the ones my sister game me. :) Glad you think they are neat.
    Aug 21, 2021
  7. BlueMew392
    Ooooh~! Pretty dice! I think my favorite of all the bunch are the brown, metal ones.
    Aug 21, 2021
    Willow Tree, ThAtGuY101 and TooBlue12 like this.
  8. TooBlue12
    @Willow Tree Honestly I barely get to use them. ;_; So many game nights canceled last minute.
    Aug 21, 2021
    Willow Tree and ThAtGuY101 like this.
  9. Willow Tree
    Willow Tree

    I always see them but couldn't get it because I won't do anything with them.
    Aug 21, 2021
    ThAtGuY101 and TooBlue12 like this.
  10. TooBlue12
    @Midnight Heart Oh the ones in the top right corner? :D I was trying to think how to describe them but galaxy-like is a pretty accurate way! Thank you. :)
    Aug 20, 2021
  11. Midnight Heart
    Midnight Heart
    Ooh, these are neat! I really love the blue ones, especially the dark blue ones. They look like they have a little bit of purple/pink, which reminds me of a galaxy :D
    Aug 20, 2021
  12. TooBlue12
    Aug 20, 2021
    Willow Tree and ThAtGuY101 like this.
  13. ThAtGuY101
    Transparent dice! That's that good stuff. :love::love::love::love::-O:-O:-O:D:D:D:o:o:o>_<>_<>_<8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8)


    The gold ones are the best. They all are good, but that one and the blue on the second row(right) are cool beans though.

    Blue iiiis a good color. :up::D:up:
    Aug 20, 2021
    Willow Tree and TooBlue12 like this.
  14. TooBlue12
    Aug 20, 2021
    Shikowara, ~Rinko~, kyuukestu and 2 others like this.