Custom Friendballs (Friendiversary)

by ThePlayfulFox

ThePlayfulFox @RenzFlintrock

Two years, eh? Seems like yesterday we started brainstorming why shinies exist and the behavior of wild Pokemon. I honestly had something so much better planned, but this year was crazy (I'm going to use it next year :p)

I know this isn't much, but I want to thank you, Renz. I want to thank you for being such a good friend and I want to thank you for giving me this idea while I was stressing out this morning.

Now for everyone else, the pink Pokeball is to represent me (and I personally believe it's in Renz's posession). And the green one is to represent Renz. This took me an hour and 21 minutes in IBISPaint.
  1. Schrift
    @Gamingfan if they're supposed to be pokeballs, they're normally 3 starting pokemon. Does that mean there was a third friend?! WHAT DID THEY DO TO IT?! I NEED ANSWERS AND CEREAL!

    Also, amazing art playful. Looks amazing, you and renz are just really wholesome together. (just ignore me being late to saying this)
    May 26, 2021
  2. Gamingfan
    I always knew you two were sentient pokeballs.

    And they called me crazy.
    May 16, 2021
  3. RenzFlintrock
    @ThePlayfulFox Thank you so much! I wish I had been able to achieve that level of eloquence when I was writing my description earlier, hehe. And thanks to you too, both for your friendship and taking the time to make this even though you’re so busy these days.
    May 16, 2021