my region and everything that has to do with it!: You are challenged by gym leader...

by roanyael

gym leaders batch 1.jpg
roanyael Hello flawless friends. I'm have taken a break from designing characters. And took some time to draw the first 4 gym leaders I made. And I made this awesome drawings of the 4 babies.

You are challenged by gym leader...

About This Artwork.

In this drawing I depicted my four gym leader oc's; Elizabeth, Guang, Fayola and Dianna. Since I wanted to draw them again. This time together. Since its kinda cool. This could totally be their introduction before the battle. God I just love these four

Stay flawless

  1. roanyael
    @Sparkxii Thank you so much. Also yes I hope someone ever puts these in a fangame. I also have character sheets of these guys poster here so you can look at that, and I'm currently working on the next one.
    Aug 25, 2020
    Sparkxii likes this.
  2. Sparkxii
    They look so stylish! If this was a fangame, I'd totally play it xD
    Aug 25, 2020
    roanyael likes this.
  3. roanyael
    Aug 16, 2020
    Midnight Heart and RenzFlintrock like this.
  4. roanyael
    @Night's Shadow You're not the first one. Literally everyone is obsessed with the boi. To the point that I'm just baffled by how much love he gets compared to the other three. Anyway I'm glad you like it
    Aug 16, 2020
  5. =Nightshade=
    Guang ♥ precious pink baby uwu
    Aug 16, 2020
  6. RenzFlintrock
    Flawless is correct!! This is AMAZING!
    Aug 15, 2020
    Midnight Heart, roanyael and qlovers like this.