can I scare you in 7 seconds?

by Schrift

Schrift I had a dream about this and decided to make an animation.

If your nit scared it means it is with you at this very moment.
  1. KittehKatPoodums
    Nice animation! Although it'll take a bit more than that to scare me. Since I have watched the hill house series which is quite frightening!
    Nov 17, 2020
  2. Killerbunny the god
    Killerbunny the god
    Sorry, takes a lot more than that to scare me :p

    Honestly, last time I got a real spook was about a year ago. Felt like something was in my room, staring at me. And I got a headache as if there was a nail in my head, which apparently is a sign that something's watching you. I do believe in the paranormal, but if there is another explanation, i'll take it
    May 25, 2020
  3. =Nightshade=
    Welcome, little child, to the darkest fears inside
    Come and join the fun, take a journey through the night...

    Lol this just reminded me of Break My Mind by DAgames, listen to it, it’s a great song
    May 25, 2020
    YveltalMaster849 and Gamingfan like this.
  4. Schrift
    yeah a demonic high-five
    May 24, 2020
    RenzFlintrock and Gamingfan like this.
  5. Gamingfan
    awww, it just wants a high-five!

    Sorry mate, social distancing and all that.
    May 24, 2020
    Night's Shadow and RenzFlintrock like this.
  6. Schrift
    looking back this looks shite
    May 24, 2020
    RenzFlintrock and Gamingfan like this.